The DX Disconnect - Infographics
Oct 24, 2019
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The DX Disconnect - Infographics

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In 2019, both marketing and IT teams have become obsessed with a new element of online business — digital experience (DX). But nobody is quite sure what a digital experience entails, or whose responsibility it is to get it done.

While marketing has traditionally owned the customer experience (CX), there’s a strong argument that they should also own DX. But IT teams have been instrumental in selecting new digital technologies to improve the customer and employee experiences, so they also feel like they should be in charge of DX. As such, both groups honestly feel they have a right to claim this new ground.

And with the field of DX becoming increasingly swamped with buzzwords and jargon, IT and marketing teams are finding it harder than ever to collaborate, resulting in a huge disconnect between these two groups.

By surveying over 200 IT professionals and 200 marketers across both the UK and US, we have developed unique insights into the emerging DX landscape and the attitudes both groups hold in relation to their peers, and here’s an easy to digest infographics to show what we’ve found:

To download Magnolia's full Straight talking content management report, please click here.

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Straight-talking Content Management Report

Download the quick-start guide to digital experience for straight-talking marketers and IT teams.

About the author

Darren Hitchcock

Former General Manager UK&I, Magnolia

Industry veteran, Retail and commerce specialist and practised in many of the driving forces of today's businesses. Darren has been working for some of the largest and most innovative technologies centred around Personalisation, Data Analytics and Conversion and has spoken at many events incl. eTail, Internet Retailing and eCommerce Expo. With best-of-breed and headless now the new focus points of agility, being experienced across many disciplines helps give a constructive viewpoint around value.