Magnolia + Attraqt = empowering customer journeys through dynamic content
  • John Raap
    Chief Strategy and Partner Officer, Attraqt
März 9, 2021
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Magnolia + Attraqt = empowering customer journeys through dynamic content

Magnolia in just 12 minutes

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Times are changing for ecommerce professionals

There is a significant change underway for both Marketers and Heads of ecommerce, with a realisation that effective customer journeys can only be delivered when there is a clear content strategy in place. A content strategy that aligns and surfaces the right content every time a consumer engages with a brand along the complete customer journey, from acquisition through conversion to service and support.

Today, customer journeys involve multiple engagements across many different devices, and that is before they even enter an ecommerce site. When they do, on average, a customer will still make three visits to a site before making a purchase, with each visit involving the consideration of a significant range of content to satisfy their different information needs.

These customer journeys are longer, more complex and must be both connected and inline with customer intent. It is just too easy for a shopper to bail, so how these journeys are supported and orchestrated will determine whether as an online retailer you can successfully grow customer satisfaction and conversion.

Intent beats identity

Historically, marketers and digital commerce heads have relied on demographics and identity as the means to segment customers, and to provide a more personalised experience (ecommerce personalization). However, by segmenting in this way, we miss the intent of the customer in the exact moment of interaction. It is important to think 'consumer goals' first and foremost. We must ask ourselves:

  • Why are they here?

  • What are they trying to achieve?

  • What are they seeking to solve?

  • What does success look like?

Consumers are motivated by achieving specific goals, rather than looking to buy a specific product.

When you take an identity-based approach, the focus is on identifying the products that are most likely to be of interest to the shopper, based on what other similar shoppers like. Everyone in a specific segment is treated the same. However, everyone is individual and their intent is likely to be very different, resulting in different content and information needs. Then if you overlay that individuals may be at different stages of the buying journey, you can see that applying a segmentation approach is going to be way off the mark and unlikely to resonate in the way that you hope, resulting in abandonment.


Intent transforms content strategy

Understanding your shopper's intent creates an opportunity to deliver specific content and information that meets their needs in the moment. This includes:

  • Providing inspiration e.g. linked to customer goals like going to an event or solving a storage problem

  • Conveying some of the values of the brand e.g. sustainability

  • Validating choice e.g. ratings by previous purchasers / social proof

  • Detailing how easy to use e.g. user guides

  • Providing technical details e.g. conveying features that deliver increased performance

  • Highlighting attributes that support the use of the item in meeting consumer needs e.g. keeping cool

It is not only descriptions or text but also images, videos, user guides etc. For example, when Amazon has 10 different images, each one answering a different question, and invariably meeting a different need along the buying journey.

The result is that you require a lot more content which needs to be created quickly and efficiently.


Accelerating Customer Journeys eBook

How to optimize your digital efforts to shine at each stage of the customer journey

Content journey mapping

Mapping content to the individual intent of a shopper along their customer journey is essential and the only way that brands and retailers can optimise conversion and build long-term brand affinity/satisfaction.

Clearly this content needs to be consistent across all touch points but more importantly it must help guide the consumer by providing information and content that helps them narrow the choices down to the exact product or service that meets their needs, thereby enabling and motivating conversion.

Assembling the right ingredients

Magnolia is a leading-edge content management system (CMS) provider. They recognised early on that to support shoppers along the buying journey, you need to have three things in place:

  1. All your content from across your tech stack needs to be directly accessible to the content creators so they can find, edit and manage content without having to switch from one platform to platform.

  2. Content creators must have the ability to respond quickly by working with in-context editing that enables them to see exactly how the content will be rendered and presented to the shopper. This also enables more content to be created to meet the growing content demands.

  3. Content needs to be dynamic and customisable in order that it delivers to the needs of the shopper in the precise moment of engagement.

Attraqt on the other hand provides a set of leading capabilities in search, merchandising and personalisation. These solutions provide customers with the ability to deliver digital experiences that meet the demands of every shopper audience while still meeting commercial goals. Underpinning these best-in-class product discovery solutions is a modern, cloud-native, highly scalable technology that is powered by the latest innovations in AI.

Winning together

When you bring Attraqt and Magnolia together you create a very powerful collaboration that ensures both technical agility, but more importantly the ability for brands and retailers to fully align content to the precise intent of the shopper at every stage of the buyer's journey.

With Magnolia, you have one platform that enables you to manage and deliver content to any screen or device, with speed and agility. With Attraqt, you have the power of AI and shopper insights to understand and respond to the specific intent of the customer by delivering a highly personalised and compelling shopping experience from initial search all the way through to purchase and beyond.

This is just not possible with a single suite solution or a combination of multiple pure-play solutions. Both companies use open and scalable technology to ensure practitioners fully benefit from the perfect blend of human-guided decision-making and machine-led science to achieve optimisation, speed and efficiency in equal measure.

We are both very much looking forward to working together and bringing unparalleled success to our joint customers.

Über den autor

John Raap

Chief Strategy and Partner Officer, Attraqt

In early 2016, John joined Fredhopper as Managing Director. He was made CCO of the group following Attraqt’s acquisition of Fredhopper in 2017. John's career includes more than 20 years' experience in the European eCommerce and digital marketing industry. Prior to joining Fredhopper, John successfully established and managed various pan-European and regional sales organizations at companies such as lntershop, Scene 7, Adobe, Jive and SDL.